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Visual Storytelling

What is visual storytelling?

You have a story.

Your event has a story.

Your business has a story.

Visual storytelling is the documentation of your story or event using words and pictures. In short, it is a visual representation of your experience.

There are several ways that I can tell your story through visual storytelling:


I love creating visual stories for live events. When I come to your event I capture the ideas of your keynote speakers, discussions, and question and answers in real time. At your event I can set up in a central location that will allow participants to watch the note-taking as it is happening. At the end of the event the visual story is yours to keep.


You have a story, and I want to help you tell it. When you book a personalized visual storytelling session with me, here’s what you can expect. First, we will spend an hour on the phone talking through your story. During our call you will share your story (or stories) with me. There’s no need to prepare, I will take your words and weave them into a visual note. After our call I will use images, quotes from you, and details from your story to create a digital visual story for you to keep. Whether for a special life event or for a memento to honor your experiences, it is my honor to work with you to create a visual map of your words.


Are you looking for a way to share the story of your business? Would you like to make videos with hand-drawn visuals that tell about your work? Do you have a keynote, message, or talk that you’d like to have turned into a visual story? Whatever your vision, I would like to work with you to turn it into a reality. Contact me about how you can use custom visual storytelling to bring your work to life today.