What is coaching?

I think of coaching as having a guide with you as you set out on your next big adventure. With coaching, you can go farther, faster, because you aren’t alone. You don’t have to figure out each step of the way by yourself. A coach can make sure you’re trekking the right trails, can be there with the first aid kit if something goes wrong, and is the first to whoop with joy when you get to each of the checkpoints along the way.

I am passionate about coaching because all of the major accomplishments I’ve achieved have been done in community, with the support, encouragement, and accountability of a coach.

I am a creativity coach. What does that mean? It means I work with people who are interested in living a more big, juicy, fulfilling life. It is my core belief that each of us is naturally creative, and I’m passionate about helping people tap into their creative energy to build the jobs and lives they desire. I also believe that when we live into our creativity, we help the people around us to do the same.

What is included in one on one coaching?

  • An initial coaching call to establish goals and core values

  • A map for three months of coaching work

  • Nine, one hour virtual or phone coaching sessions, completed over 12 weeks

  • Text, email, and Marco Polo support between coaching calls

  • Follow up notes for each call, including call recordings of virtual video calls

Is this the right fit for me?

Here are some reasons why one on one coaching is a right fit for you:

  • You want to find more satisfaction in your work

  • You are looking to make a transition in your career or your life

  • You have a specific vision for the next step for your business, but you aren’t sure how to make it into a reality

  • You want to shift from working for other people to working for yourself

  • You have a side hobby that you’d like to turn into your full time work

  • You want the encouragement and motivation to use your creativity energy in your daily life

  • You feel lost in the day to day task lists and never seem to have time for the big, personal projects you want to accomplish

  • You have an idea that won’t leave you alone, and you are ready to bring that idea to life

  • You’re ready for the next step in your life, you just aren’t sure what that next step should be

  • You feel stuck in your life and your work, and you want to get out of the rut

Are you in?

Does this sound like you? Does this sound like what you are looking for? Do you want to learn more? Then let’s chat! The intro coaching call is my gift to you.